Are you a new momma? Or maybe you have little ones but this is your first breastfeeding journey? Either way, it can be messy, painful, and exhausting. Despite that, nursing can be a great way to bond and connect with your baby. These helpful tips to maintaining your breastmilk supply can reduce your stress, pain, and make it a more enjoyable experience.
It’s astonishing what our bodies are capable once becoming a mother.
Being able to nourish our babies with our bodies is absolutely amazing! However, new momma or not, maintaining your breast milk supply is vital. It can also be difficult to do if we don’t know the facts. Or maybe you’re not producing enough at the moment. Increasing and maintaining your breast milk supply go hand in hand.
These 5 tips helpful tips to maintaining your breastmilk supply will help!
#1 – Stay hydrated
Your breast milk is actually made up of 80% water! So if you aren’t drinking enough water daily, or are dehydrated, your supply may suffer. Drinking the right amount of water daily can be challenging – I find that having a cute tumbler or reusable water bottle you really like helps! Carry it with you wherever you go and it will be a constant reminder to stay hydrated.
It’s recommended that women drink about 2.7 liters a day, which comes out to about 11 cups. If you have a Venti Starbucks cup, this equals a little under 3 Venti amounts a day. When you think of it that way, it’s not so bad. Yikes! Along with helping your breast milk supply, staying hydrated also helps your skin, body function, and sleep quality. So break out those Starbucks cups and get started!
#2 – Eat
This may sound like a simple one. Of course you’re going to eat, but how often? While you’re running around with the baby all day, it can be hard to find the time to make yourself some food and actually eat it! When my little one was born, the whole day would go by and I would realize that I barely ate anything! On those days, I noticed my milk supply was extremely low.
Breastfeeding mommas actually need EXTRA calories, more than they would need if they are using formula. Since breastfeeding burns calories faster, you need about 500 extra calories a day to maintain energy and nutrient levels. Now is not the time to go on that diet! Of course you should eat healthy, however eating less during this time can affect you and baby. Try meal prepping so that you don’t have to cook during the day while taking care of your little one!
#3 – Rest
Okay don’t laugh…I know resting with a new baby sounds out of reach! Those sleepless nights, and then you wake up to do the day all over again. It can be exhausting, especially in those first few weeks.
Getting enough rest is essential to keeping your body healthy. It will give you more energy which in turn will help you produce your breast milk easier. During the day, try to carve out a little nap time for yourself while your little one sleeps or take a cat nap once your partner gets home. Those household chores can wait!
#4 – Pump more / Feed more
Pumping and/or feeding more can in turn increase your supply! When you do this, it signals your body to make more milk for your baby’s needs. Try pumping right after feeding to empty your breasts, feeding after pumping, and scheduling at least 2 times to pump a day! Over time this can lead to an increase in your milk supply. If it’s hard to find time during the day to pump, try pumping when your baby is napping, early in the morning, or at night when your partner is home. Check out this post for more pumping advice!
#5 – Consider supplements
If you’ve tried everything and you’re just not getting the results you want, consider supplements! Of course it’s always best to consult your doctor before you try anything. There’s plenty out there that can help increase your milk supply. My favorites are Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold Lactation Supplement and Upspring Milkflow Chocolate Drink Mix!
Breastfeeding is no easy task and it’s not for everyone. If you’ve tried all five of these helpful tips to maintaining your breastmilk supply (and everything else under the sun) don’t let the guilt come over you if it just doesn’t work out. You’re still the greatest momma out there!