Back to school: End of ACP means greater need for affordable home internet programs to bridge the digital divide  


Cox’s Connect2Compete offers qualified K-12 households $9.95 home internet 

*We are so happy to partner with Cox Communications for this sponsored post

With the beginning of the back-to-school season for local students—and the end of the
federal government’s Affordability Connectivity Program (ACP)—low-income households
are finding themselves in need of affordable internet options for their children’s education
before they head back to the classroom.

While the ACP and its federally funded subsidies for internet service may no longer be
available to low-income households, Cox Communications has never wavered from its
commitment to closing the digital divide. Cox will continue to provide its Connect2Compete
program to qualified K-12 families to help them get and stay connected to technology at
home for their children’s education. Connect2Compete provides $9.95 a month in-home
wifi at fast speeds of 100 Mbps. In addition, Connect2Compete participants can purchase
low-cost laptops and tablets from nonprofit computer distribution partners.

“Shopping for back-to-school supplies is no longer just about notebooks and pencils,” said
Chanelle Hawken, West Region Vice President of Public and Government Affairs. “Students
who don’t have internet connectivity at home struggle to complete their homework, fall
behind their peers academically, receive lower grades, and have lower high school and
college graduation rates, which could impact their future career options and long-term
financial stability. Affordable, reliable and fast internet is essential for today’s students and
Cox believes nobody should be left out.”

For more than a decade, Cox has championed digital equity and has connected more than
five million people through its digital equity programs. Although the federal government’s
ACP is no longer available, Cox has reaffirmed its commitment to offering affordable
Internet options through its digital equity efforts for households with and without school
age children:

 Connect2Compete — $9.95 per month internet service for families with a
child in grades K-12 in the home who participate in the National School Lunch
Program or other select federal programs such as SNAP.

 ConnectAssist — $30 per month internet service for low-income households
that participate in select government programs such as SNAP, Medicaid, Public
Housing, Pell Grant and others. This program is available to all Cox customers
who were receiving the ACP benefit as well as those who meet the eligibility
criteria for ACP.

 Cox Digital Academy — Free online educational resource where customers
can increase their digital proficiency and access discounted personal computers.

 Cox Mobile — Starting at just $15 per gigabit per line and as low as $30 a
month per line for Gig Unlimited, Cox Mobile offers extra savings when
combined with internet services.

“With the conclusion of the Affordability Connectivity Program, many families are at risk of
falling further behind,” said Gloria Corral, President and CEO of the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE). “In today’s educational landscape, where 70% of teachers assign homework that requires internet access, the digital divide threatens to widen even further.
Affordable home internet is essential for leveling the playing field in education. We
commend Cox for their ongoing commitment to digital equity and their efforts to ensure
that all students have the opportunity to succeed, no matter their circumstances.”

In addition to its affordability programs, Cox continues to work with school districts, local
government and nonprofit partners to support digital equity in communities and
households impacted by the end of the ACP.