Viv Jones

Viv Jones
I am Viv, stay at home mom (mummy) to Edison who is 7 and Arlo who is 5. I am married to my best friend and university sweetheart Steve. In October 2014 we moved 5321 miles from our beautiful Victorian home in Sheffield, England to Anaheim Hills and are loving the wild adventure this move has turned our life into. I am so very grateful that this move has given me the opportunity to quit my kinder teacher role to stay home with my crazy whirlwinds and enjoy the adventures of modern motherhood. I love farmers markets with my little foodies, antique shops, restoring antique finds, reading, baking, eating out and trying not to spend everything we have in Target! Oh and chips. I LOVE chips (crisps for any Brits reading this). All the chips.
If I had a dollar

If I Had A Dollar…

So as you may have noticed, we are a British family living in SoCal. We've only been here 18 months, so we sound very...
flying with kids hard truth and tips

Flying With Kids – Hard Truths And Tips

Flying with kids is no joke. We do at least 2 10+ hour flights a year with our 3 and 4-year-old. I remember the first...
today I was that mummy

Today I Was *That* Mummy…

Noooo, not the one whose kid was losing it in the candy aisle at Target. Not today my friends. Today I was that Mum who looked...
Yep, I'm British

Yep, I’m British…

503 days ago we put everything we owned into a huge shipping container, waved it goodbye for 9 weeks and got on a plane...