Liz McTan

Liz McTan
Liz McTan is an entrepreneur, blogger, singer/songwriter and above all a mom. On her blog The Redheaded Rambling Mama she focuses on the necessity of connection and establishing our own village. Liz also writes about maintaining a sense of self after children, and beating the illusion of perfect parenting we see throughout social media and keeping a sense of humor to stay sane. She is a proponent of traveling, protesting, and even attending festivals with your kids. Through her battle with post-partum depression and anxiety she has found a new sense of self and purpose in her writing and music with her band Echo Hill. You can read more of her work at or on her social media pages and
help new parents

The Top 5 Things You Can Do To Help New Parents

I have a number of friends expecting babies in the next few weeks. Almost as if they all got in the mood at the...
ready for preschool

Taking The Leap: When Is It Time For Preschool?

How do you know when to take the leap and send your child to preschool? Can someone tell me if it's time? Make this...
traveling with baby

Travel Baby: How To Thrive While Traveling With Baby

I love to travel, and we didn't stop just because we had a baby. In fact, I just got back from my second trip...