Amber Tran

Amber Tran
Amber Tran is an Orange County native, millennial mom, and content creator. She is the founder of Primped Mommy, a lifestyle blog that shares her journey through motherhood, world travel, beauty tips, and DIYs. Amber is the proud mom to her 3-year-old daughter, Charlotte, and wife to her high school sweetheart, Tony. Staying true to her OC roots, she attended California State University, Fullerton where she received her B.A. in Communications & Media Studies. Amber is a true Mother-Hustler as she works full-time for Mabel’s Labels, part-time for Moxie Marketing Agency, contributing writer for Orange County Moms Blog, and runs all aspects of Primped Mommy. When she isn’t on her hustle, you can find her traveling the globe with her family, noshing on globally inspired treats, and finding ways to squeeze in some self-care!
How To Keep Your Kids & Pets Safe This 4th of July

How To Keep Your Kids & Pets Safe This 4th of July

Independence Day, a day filled with bar-be-ques, libations, and incredible firework displays. The 4th of July is the major summer kickoff event that brings...
superfood smoothies

Super Charge Your Day With These Superfood Smoothies

Mornings take on a new meaning when you become a mom. Whether you wake up to the sound of an alarm or the sound...

Is It Time For A Social Media Cleanse?

I'm not talking about a fad social media juice cleanse or any type of diet cleanse. I'm talking a full-blown social media scrub down!...
mom guilt

Mom Guilt, It’s Time For A Break Up

  Mom Guilt. Two little words that often linger in a mother's head and cause undue suffering. If you're a mother, and I'm going to...
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5 Simple Ways To Be Healthier Without Diet And Exercise

It's that time of year when we set goals and reflect where we should focus our time and energy for the year ahead. That...
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The Reason You Need To Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions

  2019, the year of no resolutions. How many years have you spent the end of December thinking about what resolutions you want to set...
flu season like a pro

How To Handle Flu Shots Like A Pro

Own This Flu Season 'Tis the season for holiday lights, family time, and dare I even say it...the dreaded seasonal flu! As a mom it...
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This is the Sisterhood You Didn’t Know You Were Missing

October is a month of awareness: breast cancer, down syndrome, emotional wellness, Halloween safety and a topic that rarely gets brought up: domestic violence.  Did...