Why Is Everyone Talking About Collagen?


This post is part of our Women’s Health editorial series, brought to you by Caduceus Medical Group, Facial Aesthetic Concepts, and Zammex. We hope these pieces provide you with helpful information, encouragement, and insight about your health.

why is everyone talking about collagen

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve heard countless friends and family talking about Collagen.  It’s in every store from Costco to Target and everywhere in between. 

So what exactly is Collagen?

 “Dr. Whitney Bowe described our body’s collagen as “ropes of protein in the skin”. When we’re young, the rope remains tight, but as we age, the ends begin to fray. Essentially, our bodies are not able to replace the amount we are losing as quickly as it is breaking down. Starting in our 20s, we begin losing about 1 percent each year, said, Dr. Bowe. This, unfortunately, means drier skin. Sun exposure, cigarette smoke, and pollution can also accelerate breakdown. “The concept of supplementing our collagen, especially as we age and as our body’s natural collagen production declines is incredibly appealing from a dermatologic standpoint,” she said.

Everyone wants to look and feel better, right?

Collagen products have become one of the trendiest dietary supplements in the market today and it’s for good reason. The goal with any supplement is to improve your quality of life whether it be looking better, feeling better or even improving physical performance. 

Studies have shown that collagen supplementation plays a vital role in joint, tendon and ligament support while also reducing inflammation especially inflammation due to osteoarthritis. Overall, collagen supplementation plays a vital role in reducing those age-related aches and pains!

Collagen is a beautiful supplement in that it provides people with a pure source of proteins and amino acids that help promote lean body mass and fat loss. Equally, important because collagen is a huge component in the stomach and gut lining it helps aid in digestive health by solidifying said lining and reducing “leaky gut syndrome”. This is very important because it optimizes nutrient uptake which will have your engine running clean!

Zammex Nutrition

Zammex Nutrition offers several forms of Hydrolyzed Collagen supplements. Zammex Nutrition was built on the principles of “Health Made Simple” and “Purity Realized”. All of Zammex’s products are 100% pure and naturally sourced.

I’ve been taking Zammex Hydrolyzed Collagen for the last month in my coffee and I LOVE it!  I can already start to see the benefits in my nails and hair as well as how I feel while I’m working out.  I especially love that I can put it in my coffee and it doesn’t alter the taste of my drink.

Their products are designed to help improve your quality of life by looking and feeling better every day. Their commitment is straightforward – stay on the cutting edge of health and beauty products while keeping their formulations clean and simple. 

If you’d like to read more about all the wonderful benefits of collagen please visit Zammex Nutrition’s website. You can also watch the video on all of their clinical research showing how  Zammex Nutrition’s collagen is one of the best in the market!

Zammex Discount Code!

20% OFF PROMO code “OCMOMHEALTH” on AMAZON to try out Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides today and start feeling the benefits both inside and out!

why is everyone talking about collagen